Niseko Annupuri Resort Guide

The Niseko Annupuri resort summary is: Niseko Annupuri has 6 lifts within its 114 Acres of terrain that is suitable for all levels, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 2480ft of vertical range and surrounding area. There are 13 trail at Niseko Annupuri. Read More

Photo Credit: Mike BanksNiseko Annupuri  Reiseführer Skiort

Niseko Annupuri Resort Guide

The Niseko Annupuri resort summary is: Niseko Annupuri has 6 lifts within its 114 Acres of terrain that is suitable for all levels, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 2480ft of vertical range and surrounding area. There are 13 trail at Niseko Annupuri. Read More


Oben: 3793ft
Unten: 1312ft

Am besten für:

Fortgeschrittene Niveau des Skifahrers



Skigebiet in Morgen:

Einsatz von Schneekanonen: —

Skilifte in Niseko Annupuri

  • Schlepplift Symbol4
  • Skilift Symbol1
  • Gondelbahn Symbol1
Skilifte insgesamt = 6
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Bildnachweis: Hiro

Ein Besuch in Niseko Annupuri

Nützliche Informationen über Skigebiete, die Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise nach Niseko Annupuri helfen.

  • Saison beginnt
  • Saison endet
  • Unterkunft
  • Restaurants | Bars
    1 | —
  • Nächster Flughafen
  • Nächster Bahnhof
  • Skigebiet Info-Website
  • Infotelefon

Merkmale Niseko Annupuri

Das Gelände in Niseko Annupuri umfasst::

  • Halfpipes
  • Terrainparks
  • Langlauf
  • Skiverleih

Wie sieht es in Niseko Annupuri aus?

Niseko Annupuri resort is a member of the Niseko United ski area and offers a nice mix of terrain. For beginners and intermediates, Niseko Annupuri has excellent groomed runs that see considerably less traffic than the Hirafu pistes so hold out for much longer. For advanced skiers there are some good steep pitches that can be accessed to both skiers left and skiers right of the pistes; but the real treat at Niseko Annupuri is easy access to Osawa and Kozan-no-sawa. Both of these bowls are outside of the controlled ski area and considered backcountry terrain. Ski patrol controls access these areas and will close the gates if snow stability is poor and avalanches are likely. Check out the Niseko Rules for details ( If you do choose to enter these areas, please remember that this is backcountry terrain so there is no patrol, no avalanche control and no signage to tell you where to go and how to get home. Anyone entering the backcountry should carry all the essential rescue equipment (beacon, probe, shovel) and have appropriate knowledge in avalanche safety and route finding. Alternatively there are a number of backcountry guiding services available in the Niseko area that can safely take you out of bounds. Niseko Annupuri is connected to the other resorts of the Niseko United area (Niseko Village, Hirafu and Hanazono) at the top of the mountain and by a shuttle bus system (transport is free with an All Mountain Lift Ticket). Tickets can be purchased for either the entire United area or just Niseko Annupuri.

Niseko Annupuri entdecken – Lageplan

Interaktive Wanderkarte und Pistenplan für Niseko Annupuri. Für Ihre Tourenplanung sehen Sie Pisten und Wanderwege sowie Umrisse des Geländes und der Berge in der Umgebung.

Niseko Annupuri live Schnee

HöhenlageSchneehöheTemp. (°F)Wind (mph)Wetter
snow showers
snow showers
rain showers

In welchem Monat gibt es am meisten Schnee in Niseko Annupuri?

DezemberDurchschnitt: 6.4 Schneetage pro Woche
Die schneereichste Woche in Niseko Annupuri ist Woche 4 im Dezember. In der Regel gibt es 6.4 Schneefalltage in dieser Woche mit 21.3in Schneefall. Sehen Sie sich unten die Graphik mit den Aufzeichnungen der Schneefälle für Niseko Annupuri an.

Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Niseko Annupuri

Allgemein: 3.6 Basiert auf 4 Abstimmungen.

  • Schneesicher
  • Vielfalt der Pisten
  • Off Piste
  • Landschaft
  • Apres-Ski
  • Vote

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