Westendorf Resort Guide

The Westendorf resort summary is: Westendorf has 80 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for beginner and intermediate levels, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 4383ft of vertical range and surrounding area. Read More

Video von:Ski Welt Tourist Office

Westendorf Resort Guide

The Westendorf resort summary is: Westendorf has 80 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for beginner and intermediate levels, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 4383ft of vertical range and surrounding area. Read More


Oben: 6421ft
Unten: 2038ft

Am besten für:

Anfänger Niveau des Skifahrers



Skigebiet in Morgen:

Einsatz von Schneekanonen: 80%

Skilifte in Westendorf

  • Schlepplift Symbol30
  • Skilift Symbol33
  • Gondelbahn Symbol17
Skilifte insgesamt = 80
Resort Manager Icon


TOP OFFERS in the SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental:

This offer is valid from 07 December 2024 until 20 December 2024 and from 15 March 2025 until 30 March 2025. Only pre-condition: A parent purchases a SkiWelt ski pass which is valid for at least three days - all kids 15 and under (born 2009-2018) ride for free during the same period.

Beginning 08 January 2025, all ladies may ride 10% cheaper on Wednesdays for a day or partial day.

Beginning 07 January 2025, all men may ride 10% cheaper on Wednesdays for a day or partial day.

From 14 February 2025, SkiWelt Brixen im Thale and Westendorf will start skiing every Friday and Saturday for sporty early birds from 7.30 am.

Information Supplied 27 Sep 2024
Westendorf Reiseführer SkiortBildnachweis: Ted Rees

Ein Besuch in Westendorf

Nützliche Informationen über Skigebiete, die Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise nach Westendorf helfen.

  • Saison beginnt
    7 Dec 2024
  • Saison endet
    30 Mar 2025
  • Unterkunft
  • Restaurants | Bars
    77 | 42
  • Nächster Flughafen
    Innsbruck, Salzburg and Munich
  • Nächster Bahnhof
    Kufstein, Wörgl, St. Johann
  • Skigebiet Info-Website
  • Infotelefon
    +43 5333 400

Merkmale Westendorf

Das Gelände in Westendorf umfasst::

  • Halfpipes
  • Terrainparks
  • Langlauf
    122.1 miles
  • Skiverleih

Wie sieht es in Westendorf aus?

SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental is particularly blessed with natural snow. In addition, 229 km of the 270 km of slopes can be completely covered with manmade snow; 120 km can be covered with snow in just 3 days. This is guaranteed by more than 1,700 snow machines in the ski area and if there is also real snowfall by December then SkiWelts' excellent reputation as Austria’s largest ski resort, with its 270 km of interconnected slopes will be completely justified. The Best of SkiWelt circuits (in addition to the vast number of slopes) are the Kaiser, Salve and Westendorf circuits, which spectacularly lead skiers and snowboarders to the most beautiful spots in SkiWelt. With these, depending on your fitness and ability, up to 4,000 m altitude difference can be descended. The tireless can also carve around at night, in Brixen, Ellmau and Söll, thanks to floodlighting. There has been expansion of the night-time skiing, offered by 3 further runs in Höchsöll. Furthermore, the illuminated toboggan run is now equipped with a snow-making system there. The popular Ladies’ Ski Day, the pleasure of winter sports for women at children’s prices, has already become a tradition at SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser-Brixental - Westendorf. SkiWelt is not only Austria’s largest interconnected ski resort; of all of the comparable large-capacity regions lift tickets are offered at the lowest prices here. As always, children up to the age of 5, who are accompanied by an adult, ride for free. 'The much frequented Ski Bunny Club'; The Ski Bunny forum has been very well received for years, enabling like-minded people to search for their ideal skiing or snowboarding companions on the internet at www.skiwelt.at beforehand. However, new friends can identify one another quickly on the slopes or in the traditional mountain lodges too by their Ski Bunny stickers. Then you will have twice as much fun in the snow. INFO: SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser-Brixental Marketing GmbH Stockach 38 A-6306 Söll Tel: +43 5333 400 Fax: +43 5333 400-9100 www.skiwelt.at E-mail: office@skiwelt.at Picture Library: www.skiwelt.at/presse

Westendorf entdecken – Lageplan

Interaktive Wanderkarte und Pistenplan für Westendorf. Für Ihre Tourenplanung sehen Sie Pisten und Wanderwege sowie Umrisse des Geländes und der Berge in der Umgebung.

Westendorf live Schnee

HöhenlageSchneehöheTemp. (°F)Wind (mph)Wetter

In welchem Monat gibt es am meisten Schnee in Westendorf?

JanuarDurchschnitt: 2.9 Schneetage pro Woche
Die schneereichste Woche in Westendorf ist Woche 2 im Januar. In der Regel gibt es 2.9 Schneefalltage in dieser Woche mit 9.8in Schneefall. Sehen Sie sich unten die Graphik mit den Aufzeichnungen der Schneefälle für Westendorf an.

Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Westendorf

Allgemein: 4.1 Basiert auf 12 Abstimmungen und 27 Beurteilungen

  • Schneesicher
  • Vielfalt der Pisten
  • Off Piste
  • Landschaft
  • Apres-Ski
  • Vote

Caleb McKinstry aus United Kingdom schreibt:

First time in Westendorf for a family holiday and we were very impressed overall.

Pros -
Massive ski area, including all of Kitzbuhel if you wish but there is more than enough for a week for most on the standard pass and I think the local slopes are better.
Fairly challenging runs keeps novices away; makes for much quieter slopes even at New Year and the good overall standard makes it safer.
Lots of easily accessible and safe off-piste. We were lucky to have a lot of fresh snow and the skiing was the best I've had in years.
Food and drink are cheap expect to pay about €4 for a large beer and €8 for a lunch on the mountain (Kitzbuhel is more expensive).
The local Austrians were unfailingly pleasant, helpful and polite. The lift staff actually wanted to help you! Following France I almost had to sit down with the shock!

To get to the other areas you need to get to the main bubble (10 min walk or a short chair and ski) then up and down to Brixen which is a faff. Otherwise, take a bus. The bus service is efficient but buses only go every hour or so. The service really could do with being more frequent.
Nice bars but this isn't a kicking apres-ski town. Party animals would be a bit disappointed. Smoking permitted in some bars which wasn't very nice.
The Austrian food is fine but not hugely varied and not a patch on a good tartiflette...
There are a couple of places where you can get trapped at the end of the day if you miss last lifts; up in the bowl and at the bottom of Choralm. We had to get a taxi one day, but it wasn't dear.

Overall, I was very sold on the resort and would happily return.

Lesen Sie 26 andere Beurteilungen ueber Westendorf oder geben Sie Ihre eigene Bewertung ab.