Die Schneevorhersage für Hlíðarfjall Akureyri ist: Meist trocken. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 2°C am Dienstag Nachm., min -8°C in der Nacht zu Mittwoch). Wind schwächt ab.
Hlíðarfjall Akureyri Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Hlíðarfjall Akureyri is: Meist trocken. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 2°C am Dienstag Nachm., min -8°C in der Nacht zu Mittwoch). Wind schwächt ab.
Hlíðarfjall Akureyri Weather (Days 4-6): leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend in der Nacht zu Freitag. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 3°C am Sonntag Morg., min -7°C in der Nacht zu Donnerstag). Wind zunehmend (leichte Winde aus SW am Freitag Morg., starke Winde aus SSW bis Sonntag Nachm.).
Hlíðarfjall Akureyri live Schnee
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Hlíðarfjall Akureyri Wetter
(Nächste 3 Tage):
Die Schneevorhersage für Hlíðarfjall Akureyri ist: Meist trocken. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 2°C am Dienstag Nachm., min -8°C in der Nacht zu Mittwoch). Wind schwächt ab.
Hlíðarfjall Akureyri Wetter (Tage 4-6):
leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend in der Nacht zu Freitag. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 3°C am Sonntag Morg., min -7°C in der Nacht zu Donnerstag). Wind zunehmend (leichte Winde aus SW am Freitag Morg., starke Winde aus SSW bis Sonntag Nachm.).
Letzte Schneeberichte in der Nähe von Hlíðarfjall Akureyri:
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 0 - 3
Meist trocken. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 2°C am Dienstag Nachm., min -8°C in der Nacht zu Mittwoch). Wind schwächt ab.
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 4 - 6
leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend in der Nacht zu Freitag. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 3°C am Sonntag Morg., min -7°C in der Nacht zu Donnerstag). Wind zunehmend (leichte Winde aus SW am Freitag Morg., starke Winde aus SSW bis Sonntag Nachm.).
Die Tabelle oben zeigt die Wettervorhersage für Hlíðarfjall Akureyri auf der angegebenen Höhe von 440 m. Unsere ausgeklügelten Wettermodelle ermöglichen uns die Schneevorhersage für die Gipfel-, Mittel- und Talstationen für Hlíðarfjall Akureyri. Das Fenster über der Tabelle ermöglicht das Abrufen der Wettervorhersage für andere Höhen. Für einen umfassenderen Blick auf das Wetter, siehe die Wetterkarte" von Iceland.Hlíðarfjall Akureyri
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Skigebietsname wird auch Hlidarfjall Akureyri.geschrieben.
Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Hlíðarfjall Akureyri
Allgemein 3.7 Basiert auf 2 Abstimmungen und 2 Beurteilungen
Situated between 500 and 1,000m above sea level, seven kilometres from the Icelandic city of Akureyri, Hlidarfjall is one of the country’s top ski resorts, boasting excellent pistes for beginner to upper intermediate level skiers, cross-country trails and off-piste skiing. Night-time skiing on illuminated pistes is also on offer.
The resort base, located at 500m, has only the most necessary facilities of a single ski lodge (the Stryta lodge), toilets, shops and a cafeteria. However, the city of Akureyri offers a multitude of visitor services, shops, accommodation options and recreational opportunities.
Hlidarfjall is a small, personal resort, with only 12kms of groomed pistes, the longest being 2.5kms. The resort caters mainly for lower level skiers, with only green and blue pistes on offer. There are four ski lifts in Hlidarfjall, able to transport 2,000 skiers per hour. Additionally, the resort encompasses five kilometres of illuminated cross-country tracks, and snowboarders have access to a terrain park with jumps, slides and tables.
Between Hlidarfjall and Akureyri, there are a multitude of alternative winter activities on offer. Visitors have access to a superb ice-skating rink and swimming pools heated by geothermal activity. Sports and leisure activities are also available, including a number of fitness centres.
Hlidarfjall’s ski season runs from mid-December to the end of April, with optimal snow from February to March, and cheaper rates offered at the beginning of the season, in selected weeks in January, and towards the season’s close. The easiest way of accessing the resort is to take a flight to Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital, then a domestic flight to Akureyri, and the Skibus to Hlidarfjall.
Situated between 500 and 1,000m above sea level, seven kilometres from the Icelandic city of Akureyri, Hlidarfjall is one of the country’s top ski resorts, boasting excellent pistes for beginner to upper intermediate level skiers, cross-country trails and off-piste skiing. Night-time skiing on illuminated pistes is also on offer.
The resort base, located at 500m, has only the most necessary facilities of a single ski lodge (the Stryta lodge), toilets, shops and a cafeteria. However, the city of Akureyri offers a multitude of visitor services, shops, accommodation options and recreational opportunities.
Hlidarfjall is a small, personal resort, with only 12kms of groomed pistes, the longest being 2.5kms. The resort caters mainly for lower level skiers, with only green and blue pistes on offer. There are four ski lifts in Hlidarfjall, able to transport 2,000 skiers per hour. Additionally, the resort encompasses five kilometres of illuminated cross-country tracks, and snowboarders have access to a terrain park with jumps, slides and tables.
Between Hlidarfjall and Akureyri, there are a multitude of alternative winter activities on offer. Visitors have access to a superb ice-skating rink and swimming pools heated by geothermal activity. Sports and leisure activities are also available, including a number of fitness centres.
Hlidarfjall’s ski season runs from mid-December to the end of April, with optimal snow from February to March, and cheaper rates offered at the beginning of the season, in selected weeks in January, and towards the season’s close. The easiest way of accessing the resort is to take a flight to Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital, then a domestic flight to Akureyri, and the Skibus to Hlidarfjall.
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