Gerlos Resort Guide

The Gerlos resort summary is: Gerlos has 52 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for intermediate level, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 4114ft of vertical range and surrounding area. Read More

Video von:Gerlos Tourist Office

Gerlos Resort Guide

The Gerlos resort summary is: Gerlos has 52 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for intermediate level, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 4114ft of vertical range and surrounding area. Read More


Oben: 8199ft
Unten: 4085ft

Am besten für:

Fortgeschrittene Niveau des Skifahrers



Skigebiet in Morgen:

Einsatz von Schneekanonen: 43%

Skilifte in Gerlos

  • Schlepplift Symbol18
  • Skilift Symbol20
  • Gondelbahn Symbol14
Skilifte insgesamt = 52
Sie wohnen im Skigebiet und können diese Informationen aktualisieren? Werden Sie Resort Manager
Gerlos Reiseführer SkiortBildnachweis: Snow Front

Ein Besuch in Gerlos

Nützliche Informationen über Skigebiete, die Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise nach Gerlos helfen.

  • Saison beginnt
  • Saison endet
  • Unterkunft
  • Restaurants | Bars
    31 | 14
  • Nächster Flughafen
  • Nächster Bahnhof
    Jenbach or Zell am Ziller
  • Skigebiet Info-Website
  • Infotelefon

Merkmale Gerlos

Das Gelände in Gerlos umfasst::

  • Halfpipes
  • Terrainparks
  • Langlauf
    7.5 miles
  • Skiverleih

Wie sieht es in Gerlos aus?

Gerlos is a village at 1246m offering access to the heart of the huge Zillertal Arena (free ski bus) and an excellent and snow sure resort in its own right. There are endless off-slope diversions at Gerlos.

Gerlos entdecken – Lageplan

Interaktive Wanderkarte und Pistenplan für Gerlos. Für Ihre Tourenplanung sehen Sie Pisten und Wanderwege sowie Umrisse des Geländes und der Berge in der Umgebung.

Gerlos live Schnee

HöhenlageSchneehöheTemp. (°F)Wind (mph)Wetter

In welchem Monat gibt es am meisten Schnee in Gerlos?

FebruarDurchschnitt: 4.1 Schneetage pro Woche
Die schneereichste Woche in Gerlos ist Woche 1 im Februar. In der Regel gibt es 4.1 Schneefalltage in dieser Woche mit 14.6in Schneefall. Sehen Sie sich unten die Graphik mit den Aufzeichnungen der Schneefälle für Gerlos an.

Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Gerlos

Allgemein: 4.0 Basiert auf 1 Abstimmung und 4 Beurteilungen

  • Schneesicher
  • Vielfalt der Pisten
  • Off Piste
  • Landschaft
  • Apres-Ski
  • Vote

Paul aus United Kingdom schreibt:

Small Austrian resort towns tick a lot of boxes for me, and when I came across this one online, I was surprised I hadn't heard of it, since it has great credentials. The reason is that it attracts lots of Dutch, but few Brits. This is fine by me! Mayrhofen, in the next valley, is party central for the English, but Gerlos has plenty of advantages. It's small and pretty, with lovely traditional chalet architecture. There is a good selection of bars and restaurants, and an abundance of 4* hotels. Best of all, the 2 lifts in the village are within a 5 minute walk of nearly all the accommodation, and you can ski right into the village centre as well.
As for the skiing, well it is rather good, especially for covering the miles as intermediates. Gerlos is in the centre of the Zillertal ski area, and is fine. The Zell sector really stands out though, with an extensive, fairly high altitude section (2000-2500m ) and really lovely blues and reds through the trees lower down. Konigsleiten, at the other end of the system is also recommended. The setting of this purpose built little village, which seems to consist almost entirely of chalets, is lovely indeed. Situated at the top of a pass, this resort feels quite high and remote, and looks to be pretty much all ski in-ski out.

Overall, there are very few black runs, and the one or two we did find we felt were little different from the reds, so it is not the place for expert thrill seekers. Having said that, the quantity of off-piste and its easy accessibility right by the side of the pistes, is a big plus.

The mountain restaurants and very plentiful and very good.

Other pluses: very short transfer (70 minutes from Innsbruck, we got a rare ski session on the first afternoon), significantly lower prices than France (30% less here for hotel, food, drink) and better mountain food. There is a better resort atmosphere as well, and it is good to feel like you are a person, not just a digit in a constantly churning mega ski factory. And the views are glorious in every direction.

Lesen Sie 3 andere Beurteilungen ueber Gerlos oder geben Sie Ihre eigene Bewertung ab.