Red Mountain Resort Resort Guide

The Red Mountain Resort resort summary is: Red Mountain Resort has 7 lifts within its 3850 Acres of terrain that is suitable for all levels, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 2920ft of vertical range and surrounding area. There are 119 trail at Red Mountain Resort. Read More

Video von:Red Mountain Tourist Bureau

Red Mountain Resort Resort Guide

The Red Mountain Resort resort summary is: Red Mountain Resort has 7 lifts within its 3850 Acres of terrain that is suitable for all levels, including terrain park enthusiasts. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 2920ft of vertical range and surrounding area. There are 119 trail at Red Mountain Resort. Read More


Oben: 6802ft
Unten: 3881ft

Am besten für:

Fortgeschrittene Niveau des Skifahrers



Skigebiet in Morgen:

Einsatz von Schneekanonen: —

Skilifte in Red Mountain Resort

  • Schlepplift Symbol1
  • Skilift Symbol6
  • Gondelbahn Symbol
Skilifte insgesamt = 7
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Ein Besuch in Red Mountain Resort

Nützliche Informationen über Skigebiete, die Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise nach Red Mountain Resort helfen.

  • Saison beginnt
    7 Dec 2024
  • Saison endet
    6 Apr 2025
  • Unterkunft
  • Restaurants | Bars
    5 | 2
  • Nächster Flughafen
  • Nächster Bahnhof
    Spokane (Washington USA)
  • Skigebiet Info-Website
  • Infotelefon

Merkmale Red Mountain Resort

Das Gelände in Red Mountain Resort umfasst::

  • Halfpipes
  • Terrainparks
  • Langlauf
    24.9 miles
  • Skiverleih

Wie sieht es in Red Mountain Resort aus?

Red Mountain is the last great, unspoiled resort. Located in Rossland, BC, along the famous "Powder Highway," RED delivers 4,200 acres of pristine skiing unfettered by overdevelopment. For 2017/18 Paradise Lodge went under the knife and got a big facelift, extra seating and brand new washrooms. We have tripled the size of high performance rentals including an extension of the patio upstairs --huge deck = huger deck! Piste off retail warriors expanded - more fashion and more function. We've also added more parking, 200 extra spots to be exact! With 305"/7.6m of annual snowfall, wide-open groomers, epic vertical (2,919ft/890m!), in-bounds cat-skiing, 360 degree descents off select peaks, a rich tradition, and -- phew! -- the best tree runs in BC, it's no wonder The NY Times voted us their #8 "Best Place in the World to Visit in 2013." Other accolades include #1 in Powder's "Ski Town Throwdown," and "Most Underrated Resort" by Skiing. Around here, we pride ourselves on fresh turns that you don't have to fight for. Aside from the legendary skiing and snowboarding, RED boasts world-class cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating, movie nights and après action in Rafters, "North America's Best Ski Area Bar" according to Powder Magazine (and us…). Modern ski in/out lodging, fine dining, a professional ski school, guiding, high-performance rentals, day care that's just steps away from gourmet espresso, and a free shuttle to Rossland round out our offering. With Rossland's turn-of-the-century charm and our legendarily friendly locals, RED Mountain Resort is the full vacation package: Everything you need. Nothing you don't. (The only fluff we offer is our snow!)

Red Mountain Resort entdecken – Lageplan

Interaktive Wanderkarte und Pistenplan für Red Mountain Resort. Für Ihre Tourenplanung sehen Sie Pisten und Wanderwege sowie Umrisse des Geländes und der Berge in der Umgebung.

Red Mountain Resort live Schnee

HöhenlageSchneehöheTemp. (°F)Wind (mph)Wetter
Bergstation: 7ft
part cloud
part cloud
Tal: 7ft
part cloud
Neueste Webcam

In welchem Monat gibt es am meisten Schnee in Red Mountain Resort?

DezemberDurchschnitt: 4.3 Schneetage pro Woche
Die schneereichste Woche in Red Mountain Resort ist Woche 3 im Dezember. In der Regel gibt es 4.3 Schneefalltage in dieser Woche mit 9.1in Schneefall. Sehen Sie sich unten die Graphik mit den Aufzeichnungen der Schneefälle für Red Mountain Resort an.

Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Red Mountain Resort

Allgemein: 3.6 Basiert auf 102 Abstimmungen und 38 Beurteilungen

  • Schneesicher
  • Vielfalt der Pisten
  • Off Piste
  • Landschaft
  • Apres-Ski
  • Vote

Brenda aus Canada schreibt:

I had to submit a review since I am not sure what the others are talking about. Red has tonnes of snow. If conditions get a little firm don't ski on south facing slopes. Or wait a day for some fresh powder. And of course go in January or February. Remember in March every resort can suffer with spring conditions. I make a trip there almost every year and have always had at least one powder day. The people are friendly and given me tours to runs I've never skied. Look forward to it every year.

Lesen Sie 37 andere Beurteilungen ueber Red Mountain Resort oder geben Sie Ihre eigene Bewertung ab.