Die Schneevorhersage für Ohau ist: leichter Regen (gesamt 6.0mm), meistens fallend am Dienstag Morg.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Montag Nachm., min 5°C am Dienstag Morg.). Wind schwächt ab.
Ohau Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Ohau is: leichter Regen (gesamt 6.0mm), meistens fallend am Dienstag Morg.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Montag Nachm., min 5°C am Dienstag Morg.). Wind schwächt ab.
Ohau Weather (Days 4-6): leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Freitag Nachm., min 6°C in der Nacht zu Freitag). Wind schwächt ab.
Ohau live Schnee
Temp. (°C)
Wind (km/h)
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Ohau Wetter
(Nächste 3 Tage):
Die Schneevorhersage für Ohau ist: leichter Regen (gesamt 6.0mm), meistens fallend am Dienstag Morg.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Montag Nachm., min 5°C am Dienstag Morg.). Wind schwächt ab.
Ohau Wetter (Tage 4-6):
leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Freitag Nachm., min 6°C in der Nacht zu Freitag). Wind schwächt ab.
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 0 - 3
leichter Regen (gesamt 6.0mm), meistens fallend am Dienstag Morg.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Montag Nachm., min 5°C am Dienstag Morg.). Wind schwächt ab.
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 4 - 6
leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Sehr mild (maximal 13°C am Freitag Nachm., min 6°C in der Nacht zu Freitag). Wind schwächt ab.
Die Tabelle oben zeigt die Wettervorhersage für Ohau auf der angegebenen Höhe von 1625 m. Unsere ausgeklügelten Wettermodelle ermöglichen uns die Schneevorhersage für die Gipfel-, Mittel- und Talstationen für Ohau. Das Fenster über der Tabelle ermöglicht das Abrufen der Wettervorhersage für andere Höhen. Für einen umfassenderen Blick auf das Wetter, siehe die Wetterkarte" von New Zealand.Ohau
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Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Ohau
Allgemein 3.4 Basiert auf 10 Abstimmungen und 3 Beurteilungen
I just returned from an epic skiing adventure from Ohau 17/08/2008 - 20/08/2008. I agree with the previous reviews. This place packs a "wicked" punch and defiantly punches above it's weight for both terrain and atmosphere. First of all, the view from the ski field over lake Ohau has to be seen in person to be believed, and some photo's although look awesome, just are not as good as the real thing! The Staff on the Mountain and Ohau lodge are excellent, and in my mind should be retained. The day lodge up on the mountain makes an excellent coffee, and provides plenty of refreshment after all the walking up to Sutton’s peak. The groomed runs first thing in the morning are a great way to warm up the legs. What terrain in bounds not to mention all the Off Piste walking! Some in our group managed 800 vertical meters from the top of Sutton's to the digger on one of the bends in the road coming up the Mountain! Not bad for such a little ski field!!!!
The Ohau Lodge at the base of the drive up to the ski area, was a beautiful place to stay, It had a rustic old world charm with modern day creature comforts, once again the hiring policy has to be recommended (Yay for the English Girls, very pleasant on the eyes indeed), the food was much better than I would of imagined and the rooms were very warm and comfortable. What a pleasure to wake up to some of the best views in the world!!!! I’m bringing my kids next time!
One of New Zealand’s best kept secrets and I hope it stays that way!!!!
I just returned from an epic skiing adventure from Ohau 17/08/2008 - 20/08/2008. I agree with the previous reviews. This place packs a "wicked" punch and defiantly punches above it's weight for both terrain and atmosphere. First of all, the view from the ski field over lake Ohau has to be seen in person to be believed, and some photo's although look awesome, just are not as good as the real thing! The Staff on the Mountain and Ohau lodge are excellent, and in my mind should be retained. The day lodge up on the mountain makes an excellent coffee, and provides plenty of refreshment after all the walking up to Sutton’s peak. The groomed runs first thing in the morning are a great way to warm up the legs. What terrain in bounds not to mention all the Off Piste walking! Some in our group managed 800 vertical meters from the top of Sutton's to the digger on one of the bends in the road coming up the Mountain! Not bad for such a little ski field!!!!
The Ohau Lodge at the base of the drive up to the ski area, was a beautiful place to stay, It had a rustic old world charm with modern day creature comforts, once again the hiring policy has to be recommended (Yay for the English Girls, very pleasant on the eyes indeed), the food was much better than I would of imagined and the rooms were very warm and comfortable. What a pleasure to wake up to some of the best views in the world!!!! I’m bringing my kids next time!
One of New Zealand’s best kept secrets and I hope it stays that way!!!!
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