Die Schneevorhersage für Mount Mawson ist: leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C am Samstag Nachm., min 2°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Mount Mawson Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Mount Mawson is: leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C am Samstag Nachm., min 2°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Mount Mawson Weather (Days 4-6): etwas Nieselregen, stärkstens währ. Donnerstag Morg. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 9°C am Mittwoch Nachm., min 0°C in der Nacht zu Donnerstag). Wind zunehmend (Windstille am Mittwoch Morg., frische Winde aus SW bis Mittwoch Abend).
Mount Mawson live Schnee
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Mount Mawson Wetter
(Nächste 3 Tage):
Die Schneevorhersage für Mount Mawson ist: leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C am Samstag Nachm., min 2°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Mount Mawson Wetter (Tage 4-6):
etwas Nieselregen, stärkstens währ. Donnerstag Morg. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 9°C am Mittwoch Nachm., min 0°C in der Nacht zu Donnerstag). Wind zunehmend (Windstille am Mittwoch Morg., frische Winde aus SW bis Mittwoch Abend).
Letzte Schneeberichte in der Nähe von Mount Mawson:
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 0 - 3
leichter Regen (gesamt 3.0mm), meistens fallend am Samstag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C am Samstag Nachm., min 2°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 4 - 6
etwas Nieselregen, stärkstens währ. Donnerstag Morg. Frost-Tau-Bedingungen (maximal 9°C am Mittwoch Nachm., min 0°C in der Nacht zu Donnerstag). Wind zunehmend (Windstille am Mittwoch Morg., frische Winde aus SW bis Mittwoch Abend).
Die Tabelle oben zeigt die Wettervorhersage für Mount Mawson auf der angegebenen Höhe von 1300 m. Unsere ausgeklügelten Wettermodelle ermöglichen uns die Schneevorhersage für die Gipfel-, Mittel- und Talstationen für Mount Mawson. Das Fenster über der Tabelle ermöglicht das Abrufen der Wettervorhersage für andere Höhen. Für einen umfassenderen Blick auf das Wetter, siehe die Wetterkarte" von Australia.Mount Mawson
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Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Mount Mawson
Allgemein 2.3 Basiert auf 8 Abstimmungen und 1 Beurteilung
Mawson is worth a look when there is decent snow. It has a character that is missing from all other Australian resorts. Its snowfalls are unpredictable, but when wet/cold systems go through it can snow and accumulate heaps.
The runs are not groomed. University is green, Mawson run is blue, Rodway most definitly black, the right side of Rodway Tow is double black. Some inexperienced skiers may have difficulty coping with Mawson, unless the snow cover was quite extensive and they can handle the novelty of the nutcrackers. Rodway is the best run in Tas, and the unpatrolled run down the Golden Stairs (back to the car) is exhilerating.
That said people who can cope with skiing Mawson, its moguls, the obstacles, turn on a dime whilst carving, etc., can become very very good skiers. But it needs good snow, this seems to be becoming the exception rather than the rule.
Mawson usually gets going first (needs 60 cm of snow), then Uni (needs (60-90 cm), then Rodway. Rodway didn't run in 2007, it needs about a metre of snow, most of it is actually bushes (not rocks) so it does flatten down. Rodway has to have trained volunteers to run it, if it does go, it usually operates for about 3-4 hours plus a lunch break (this is unique to Mawson), which is enough to make you well and truly stuffed, remember no queues, just going up and down.
In the right snow conditions, with all tows running, Mawson is a great place, but you need to go when its there.
Mawson is worth a look when there is decent snow. It has a character that is missing from all other Australian resorts. Its snowfalls are unpredictable, but when wet/cold systems go through it can snow and accumulate heaps.
The runs are not groomed. University is green, Mawson run is blue, Rodway most definitly black, the right side of Rodway Tow is double black. Some inexperienced skiers may have difficulty coping with Mawson, unless the snow cover was quite extensive and they can handle the novelty of the nutcrackers. Rodway is the best run in Tas, and the unpatrolled run down the Golden Stairs (back to the car) is exhilerating.
That said people who can cope with skiing Mawson, its moguls, the obstacles, turn on a dime whilst carving, etc., can become very very good skiers. But it needs good snow, this seems to be becoming the exception rather than the rule.
Mawson usually gets going first (needs 60 cm of snow), then Uni (needs (60-90 cm), then Rodway. Rodway didn't run in 2007, it needs about a metre of snow, most of it is actually bushes (not rocks) so it does flatten down. Rodway has to have trained volunteers to run it, if it does go, it usually operates for about 3-4 hours plus a lunch break (this is unique to Mawson), which is enough to make you well and truly stuffed, remember no queues, just going up and down.
In the right snow conditions, with all tows running, Mawson is a great place, but you need to go when its there.
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