Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) Mountain Guide

The Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) summary is: Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) has 0 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for intermediate level. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 9000ft of vertical range and surrounding area. Read More

Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) Mountain Guide

The Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) summary is: Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) has 0 lifts within its terrain that is suitable for intermediate level. Find location, trail maps and piste maps covering the mountains 9000ft of vertical range and surrounding area. Read More


Oben: 17058ft
Unten: 8058ft

Am besten für:

Mittelstufe Niveau des Skifahrers


Skigebiet in Morgen:

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Skilifte in Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga)

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Ein Besuch in Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga)

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Merkmale Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga)

Das Gelände in Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) umfasst::

  • Halfpipes
  • Terrainparks
  • Langlauf
  • Skiverleih

What's it like at Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga)?

Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) is the second highest mountain in Africa. Like Mount Kilimanjaro, it is an extinct volcano. It dominates the Central Kenyan highlands, towering just seventy miles north of Nairobi, and ten miles south of the Equator. The mountain was once much higher, but today it is a large dome, roughly 60 miles in diameter, from which rises the steep, eroded remains of its volcanic core. Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) has twin summits: a pair of rocky snow-capped peaks, Batian (17,057 feet./5199 metres) and Nelion (17,021 feet./5188 metres), separated by a narrow gap and surrounded by an intricate system of peaks and ridges, with many high glaciers. More technically difficult than Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) offers some of Africa's finest rock and ice climbing. Huts are available along the most common routes, but the more serious routes may require bivouacs. The mountain is heavily forested, and its ecological diversity is one of its primary attractions. A variety of plant life grows on the slopes of Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga), including camphor, cedar, and bamboo. Elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard roam the surrounding areas.

Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) entdecken – Lageplan

Interaktive Wanderkarte und Pistenplan für Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga). Für Ihre Tourenplanung sehen Sie Pisten und Wanderwege sowie Umrisse des Geländes und der Berge in der Umgebung.

Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) live Schnee

HöhenlageSchneehöheTemp. (°F)Wind (mph)Wetter
part cloud
part cloud
part cloud

In welchem Monat gibt es am meisten Schnee in Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga)?

DezemberDurchschnitt: 0.0 Schneetage pro Woche
Die schneereichste Woche in Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) ist Woche 4 im Dezember. In der Regel gibt es 0.0 Schneefalltage in dieser Woche mit 0.0in Schneefall. Sehen Sie sich unten die Graphik mit den Aufzeichnungen der Schneefälle für Mount Kenya (Kirinyaga) an.

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