Die Schneevorhersage für Cardrona ist: leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Montag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C In der Nacht zu Samstag, min 4°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Cardrona Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Cardrona is: leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Montag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C In der Nacht zu Samstag, min 4°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Cardrona Weather (Days 4-6): Mäßiger Regen (gesamt 14.0mm), stärkstens am Donnerstag Morg.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 8°C am Freitag Nachm., min 5°C am Mittwoch Morg.). Wind zunehmend (leichte Winde aus ONO in der Nacht zu Dienstag, frische Winde aus NNW bis Donnerstag Nacht).
Cardrona live Schnee
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Wind (km/h)
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Cardrona Wetter
(Nächste 3 Tage):
Die Schneevorhersage für Cardrona ist: leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Montag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C In der Nacht zu Samstag, min 4°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Cardrona Wetter (Tage 4-6):
Mäßiger Regen (gesamt 14.0mm), stärkstens am Donnerstag Morg.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 8°C am Freitag Nachm., min 5°C am Mittwoch Morg.). Wind zunehmend (leichte Winde aus ONO in der Nacht zu Dienstag, frische Winde aus NNW bis Donnerstag Nacht).
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 0 - 3
leichter Regen (gesamt 2.0mm), meistens fallend am Montag Nachm.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 7°C In der Nacht zu Samstag, min 4°C In der Nacht zu Samstag). Wind schwächt ab.
Zusammenfassung Wetterprognose an folgenden Tagen 4 - 6
Mäßiger Regen (gesamt 14.0mm), stärkstens am Donnerstag Morg.. Milde Temperaturen (maximal 8°C am Freitag Nachm., min 5°C am Mittwoch Morg.). Wind zunehmend (leichte Winde aus ONO in der Nacht zu Dienstag, frische Winde aus NNW bis Donnerstag Nacht).
Die Tabelle oben zeigt die Wettervorhersage für Cardrona auf der angegebenen Höhe von 1894 m. Unsere ausgeklügelten Wettermodelle ermöglichen uns die Schneevorhersage für die Gipfel-, Mittel- und Talstationen für Cardrona. Das Fenster über der Tabelle ermöglicht das Abrufen der Wettervorhersage für andere Höhen. Für einen umfassenderen Blick auf das Wetter, siehe die Wetterkarte" von New Zealand.Cardrona
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Besucher-Beurteilung fuer Cardrona
Allgemein 3.7 Basiert auf 29 Abstimmungen und 27 Beurteilungen
2022 has been a great season at Cardrona. All the lifts have been open on most of the days, and few bad weather days in the southern ski fields of NZ this season. The ski field is a great field for intermediate and beginner skiers. And then for those who like to play and do tricks there is the half pipe, the gravity cross course and board parks. As a careful skier, I am pleased I can watch others do these tricks, but they are not in my way at all.
The field holds the snow.
There is the area near base with the magic carpet, tunnel magic carpet, and then a gondola/or lift to allow you to progress as a learner. Then the other two lifts and whole other basin for the intermediate, skiers.
For the advanced skier, this year the Willow chair was open most days and here more advanced skiers can ski off-piste when conditions allow and have the luxury of few in the queue, the lift is slow, but then there is time for your legs to rest.
Yes, the queues can be long in the intermediate, beginner area in school holidays etc, but then where is it not?
The beauty of this field is the easiness of getting up there. Free buses up from one km up the access road running regularly till about 10, save petrol and your car. It drops you and your gear right at the base ticket office and back down buses running after 1.30. A variety of cafe's and more quiet menu areas to refresh or sit and look at the field.
Cardrona has a great adaptive ski program where persons living with a disability can join beforehand a program that enables them to ski.
This season has been great skiing and still is (open till 16th Oct)
2022 has been a great season at Cardrona. All the lifts have been open on most of the days, and few bad weather days in the southern ski fields of NZ this season. The ski field is a great field for intermediate and beginner skiers. And then for those who like to play and do tricks there is the half pipe, the gravity cross course and board parks. As a careful skier, I am pleased I can watch others do these tricks, but they are not in my way at all.
The field holds the snow.
There is the area near base with the magic carpet, tunnel magic carpet, and then a gondola/or lift to allow you to progress as a learner. Then the other two lifts and whole other basin for the intermediate, skiers.
For the advanced skier, this year the Willow chair was open most days and here more advanced skiers can ski off-piste when conditions allow and have the luxury of few in the queue, the lift is slow, but then there is time for your legs to rest.
Yes, the queues can be long in the intermediate, beginner area in school holidays etc, but then where is it not?
The beauty of this field is the easiness of getting up there. Free buses up from one km up the access road running regularly till about 10, save petrol and your car. It drops you and your gear right at the base ticket office and back down buses running after 1.30. A variety of cafe's and more quiet menu areas to refresh or sit and look at the field.
Cardrona has a great adaptive ski program where persons living with a disability can join beforehand a program that enables them to ski.
This season has been great skiing and still is (open till 16th Oct)
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Das Cardrona Skiwetter Wideget unten, ist auf externen Seiten kostenlos eigebettet. Es bietet eine tägliche Zusammenfassung über unsere Cardrona Schneevorhersage und derzeitige Wetterbedingungen. gehen Sie einfach auf die Feed-Konfiguration Seite und folgen Sie den 3 einfachen Schritten, um den eigenen HTML-Code-Snippet zu packen und fügen Sie ihn auf Ihrer eigenen Website. Sie können die Höhe der Schneevorhersage wählen (Gipfel, mittel Berg, oder unterer Gipfel) und Messeinheiten metrisch / Schneevorhersage für den Feed auf Ihre eigene Website & hellip anpassen; Klicken Sie hier, um den Code zu bekommen.